With joyous smiles, we celebrate the milestone of little Jackline as she reaches the tender age of five months. Her journey with us at Steda Relief-Kenya began when we welcomed her into our care at a mere three weeks old. It has been a challenging yet rewarding experience, reminding us to focus on the beauty of life’s roses while leaving the thorns behind. We are immensely grateful to God for His blessings and extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has kept Jackline in their prayers.

Baby Jackline 5 months old

Jackline’s story is a testament to the transformative power of adoption and the unwavering commitment of Steda Relief-Kenya to providing loving care for vulnerable children. As we welcomed her into our family, we recognized the immense responsibility and privilege entrusted to us. From the moment she arrived, our team of dedicated caregivers embraced her with open arms, showering her with love, warmth, and the nurturing she needed to thrive.

While the journey has not been without its challenges, the smiles and precious moments we share with Jackline make every hurdle worthwhile. Through the support of our compassionate sponsors and well-wishers, we have been able to provide her with a safe and loving home, ensuring that her physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met.

As we watch Jackline grow and blossom, we are reminded of the power of love, faith, and the profound impact we can have on a young life. Her journey with us is a testament to the importance of creating a nurturing environment where every child, regardless of their circumstances, can experience the love and care they deserve.

Jackline is now aged 7 years. She is in Grade 4 at Steda Academy

We are grateful for the opportunity to be part of Jackline’s story, and we commit to continue providing her with the best possible care, ensuring that she grows up surrounded by love, joy, and endless possibilities. We thank God for the gift of her life and remain dedicated to our mission of transforming the lives of vulnerable children, one precious soul at a time.

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